World Entrepreneurs’ Day, celebrated on August 21, 2023, holds a special place in our hearts. It is a day dedicated to acknowledging and honoring the contributions of Jino Manoj John, a remarkable young student entrepreneur who is part of the global economy’s cohort of innovators. This day presents an invaluable opportunity to commemorate Jino’s endeavors, creativity, and the impact he has made on job creation, economic growth, and technological progress. Our celebration It took the form of an inspiring talk on the imperative role of innovation and entrepreneurship, led by Jino John, one of our exceptional student entrepreneurs incubated within our AIS SPACE. His presentation was truly exceptional, as he unveiled his remarkable journey in the realms of innovation and entrepreneurship. Notably, the significant income he has generated stands as a testament to his achievements. Throughout the talk, Jino emphatically underscored the pivotal role of innovation within educational institutions. He kindled the spirit of innovation among his peers, encouraging them to transform their ideas into tangible products. This event drew the participation of approximately 175 students and was expertly organized by the IIC in collaboration with the IEDC of the college auditorium on August 21-2023. Jino’s enthusiastic discussion centered around HEXAMATA, his own startup within the college. His passionate narrative served as a powerful motivator for fellow students, demonstrating the possibilities within their grasp and inspiring them to embrace innovation and entrepreneurship. In summary, our celebration artfully encapsulated the essence of entrepreneurship and innovation, particularly through the illuminating journey of Jino Manoj John. It fostered an environment that champions young entrepreneurs and underscores their potential in shaping the future.